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Press Releases

Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.

17/06/2016 | Events

Moldova received the International Energy Globe Award

Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Republic of Moldova, Gerhard Reiweger, presented the Energy Globe Award 2016 for the Republic of Moldova. The award was presented to researcher Mihail Poleacov for achieving outstanding innovations in energy and environmental protection. The paper was... Read more
17/06/2016 | Events

Young Entrepreneurs, awarded within the Creative Business Cup 2016

On June 16 this year, it was held that the second edition of Creative Entrepreneurship Gala, in the framework of which was held the national finals of the competition: Creative Business Cup (CBC). The event was organized by the Global Entrepreneurship Network in Moldova (GEN Moldova). State Agency... Read more
17/06/2016 | Events

In Geneva was held the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System Concerning the International Registration of Marks

From 13 to 17 June 2016, within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was held the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System Concerning the International Registration of Marks. The meeting of the Working Group was opened by Wang Binying, Deputy Director General of... Read more
16/06/2016 | Events

The Meeting of the Working Group for the Preparation of Common Regulations under the Lisbon Agreement and the Geneva Act was held in Geneva

The first meeting of the experts of the Working Group for the Preparation of Common Regulations under the Lisbon Agreement and the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement took place in Geneva on 7-9 June. The meeting was attended by 20 EU Member States of the Lisbon Union, including the Republic of... Read more
15/06/2016 | Events

Collective Management of Performers’ Rights in the European Union and the Republic of Moldova, discussed in a Seminar in Chisinau

Representatives of the organizations for collective management of performers’ rights in Romania, Hungary, Slovenia and the Republic of Moldova, performers and representatives of the national public authorities with responsibilities in the field gathered, on June 14, 2016, in a seminar entitled “... Read more
13/06/2016 | Events

Intellectual Property Field, to the Attention of Journalists

Journalists from prestigious media institutions of the Republic of Moldova participated in the training seminar on intellectual property organized by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) on 10-11 June. The goal of such an event was to inform journalists about the latest developments in... Read more
13/06/2016 | Events

Feast for the Scientific Community of the Republic of Moldova

On the occasion of 70th anniversary from the creation of the first research institutions and 55th anniversary from the foundation of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, on 12 June 2016, at the Ethno-Cultural Complex “Vatra” was held a special event in which was celebrated the scientific community... Read more
08/06/2016 | Events

Contest “Trademark of the Year 2015” has designated its winners

On June 7 this year, winners of the contests “Trademark of the Year 2015”, “Award for Achievements in Quality” and Gold Medal of the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova” received their well-deserved awards. The ceremony took place in the “Moldovan Business Gala”, event organized by the Chamber of... Read more
08/06/2016 | Events

The Role of Distinctive Signs in Business Development, discussed at a National Seminar organized by AGEPI and WIPO

On 6-7 June, in Chisinau, was held the national seminar “The Role of Distinctive Signs in Business Development”, organized by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) with the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and... Read more
03/06/2016 | Events

The International Seminar on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources was held in Geneva

From 26 to 27 May 2016, in Geneva, was held the International Seminar on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The event was attended by delegates of WIPO Member States, including the Republic of Moldova, and representatives of... Read more
01/06/2016 | Events

Smiles on the Faces of as Many Children as Possible

State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) organized a series of events and activities on the occasion of International Children’s Day. On May 19, AGEPI Director General, Octavian Apostol, made a visit to the auxiliary school №7 from Chisinau, where gave pupils gifts: school supplies,... Read more
01/06/2016 | Events

It is launched the Creative Business Cup Competition

Global Entrepreneurship Network - GEN Moldova informs about the launch of the most innovative competitions: Creative Business Cup (CBC). State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) is a partner of the event. The basic objective of CBC is to support and encourage local creative entrepreneurship to... Read more
30/05/2016 | Events

AGEPI participated in the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations “TRAIAN VUIA” in Timisoara

From 25 to 27 May 2016, in Timisoara, Romania, was held the second edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations “TRAIAN VUIA”. Hundreds of curious visitors came to admire the products and services presented by inventors from 12 countries, including Norway, Serbia, Croatia,... Read more
26/05/2016 | Events

It was signed the Cooperation Agreement between the AGEPI and ASM

On 26 May this year, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), Octavian Apostol, and President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), Gheorghe Duca, signed a Cooperation Agreement on the Protection and Promotion of Intellectual Property. The event took place in... Read more
23/05/2016 | Events

AGEPI participated in the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT

On 19-21 May, within the premises of the Pallas Mall, Iasi, Romania, was held the eighth edition of the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT. The exhibition was organized by the Romanian Inventors Forum, “Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University, Association for Ecology and... Read more


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