The Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), Eugeniu Rusu, received the certificate of recognition of the journal “Intellectus” as a specialized scientific publication. The document was presented by the President of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC), Andrei Chiciuc.
The only journal of intellectual property (IP) of the Republic of Moldova – “Intellectus” has regained its status as a type B specialized scientific publication following the reevaluation by the Commission for Evaluation, Classification and Monitoring of Journals within ANACEC. The journal has been re-accredited for the following scientific fields: legal sciences, economic sciences and engineering sciences and technologies.
The journal “Intellectus” has been published since 1995, counting 111 editions to date, with over 2500 articles. Co-editors of the publication are the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and ANACEC.
The criteria based on which “Intellectus” was evaluated are: presence of the journal in international databases/catalogues; characteristics of the articles; qualification of the editorial board; characteristics of the authors; editing and promoting the journal.
The journal is indexed in the International Databases RePEc – Research Papers in Economics and DRJI – The Directory of Research Journal Indexing and is in the evaluation process to be included in DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals, CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library; HEIN ONLINE and other international databases.
Following the evaluation, the journal accumulated about 800 points out of the 500 required to obtain category B in the classification of scientific publications. This status is offered for a period of 4 years.
The journal reflects aspects of the protection of intellectual property: it elucidates the provisions of national and international legislation in this field and reveals the procedures for acquiring intellectual property protection, the mechanism for the implementation and enforcement of IP rights, as well as that for the exploitation of IP objects. Also, the journal deals with modern scientific and educational phenomena, their development, promotes fundamental and applied research in the fields of science, economics, education, engineering and new technologies. The journal reveals the scientific and methodological studies on the intellectual potential of the Republic of Moldova.
We should mention that the Journal of Intellectual Property, Science and Education “Intellectus” is a peer-reviewed scientific publication with open access, offering an alternative for the publication and promotion of scientific results in the fields it deals with.
The journal, as well as additional information about it, can be found here:
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