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Registration of Culinary Products as Protected Geographical Indications


On 18 September this year, AGEPI participated in a round table entitled “Registration of Culinary Products from the Republic of Moldova as Protected Geographical Indications – Realities and Perspectives”, organized by the Ecological Movement of the Republic of Moldova.

The event also brought together representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova, National Agency for Food Safety, local producers, and also the international expert, Wojtek Szpocinski, Director of Policy Development Foundation in Poland.

In the event there were discussed issues related to the development of geographical indications in the republic of Moldova, in the context of interest displayed by manufacturers to exploit its regional products by accessing this specific quality system.

The international expert, Wojtek Szpocinski, stated that the Republic of Moldova does not have the necessary experience in the chapter of registration of culinary products with geographical indications and came up with a brief presentation of the Polish experience in this respect. Also, the expert noted that Moldovan producers interested in accessing the system of geographical indications should be helped and stimulated by relevant authorities, given that it is difficult to be the first.

Representatives of the State Agency on Intellectual Property, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova and National Agency for Food Safety have confirmed that it is necessary to implement a series of actions intended to facilitate accession of the system of geographical indications by domestic producers. Also, AGEPI experts offered consultancy on the procedure for registration of products with geographical indication and their benefits.

It should be mentioned that the Ecological Movement, with the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland in the Polish Aid program, tries to develop and promote rural tourism, developing some culinary tourism routes. The first two routes of its kind, intended for professional and amateur cyclists, were launched on 19 September this year in the Calarasi district. On the established routes, tourists can stop at monasteries, museums, handicraft centers, and also to taste the dishes specific to the region.

The culinary touristic routes are part of the project “Culinary Routes in the Republic of Moldova – Registration and Promotion of Traditional Culinary Products from Calarasi District”, which aims to develop the Calarasi rural area. During the project, two products from the Republic of Moldova were identified to be recognized as products with protected geographical indications. The matter is about “the Calarasi rose petal jam” and “Nimoreni apricot brandy”, products that are part of the national cultural heritage and can represent the gastronomy specific to the center region of Moldova.