World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) informs about publishing the sixth edition of the “Global Innovation Index 2013”(GII) Report. The Report represents the ranking of 142 countries in the innovation capabilities developed by INSEAD, the renowned Business School for the World, American Cornell University and WIPO.
GII is realized in order to familiarize the public with the latest news on innovations that arise in society and to address this area beyond the traditional innovation mechanisms, such as expenses related to research and development.
The index has evolved into a valuable tool designed to facilitate public-private dialogue. Global Innovation Index 2013 looked at 142 economies around the world, using 84 indicators including: the quality of top universities, human capital and research, infrastructure, loans, investments, interconnections, absorption and dissemination of knowledge, innovation and creative activity outputs.
Director General of WIPO, Francis Gurry said at the official presentation of the report, that despite the economic crisis, innovation has posted excellent results this year. “Innovation hubs are multiplying around the world, despite the global economic crisis and local governors should choose to implement their own inventions, because often local ideas are more effective than those taken from other countries”, said Gurry.
According to “Global Innovation Index 2013” the top 10 innovation leaders rank the following countries: Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, Netherlands, USA, Finland, Hong Kong (China), Singapore, Denmark and Ireland.
Switzerland and Sweden’s performance reflects the fact that both countries are leaders in all components of the GII.
“The results of the GII provide testimony to the global nature of innovation today. The top 25 ranked countries on the GII are a mix of nations from across the world – North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Middle East. While high income economies dominate the list, high-income countries outpace developing countries by a wide margin across the board in terms of scores” , stressed Mr. Soumitra Dutta, founder of the “Global Innovation Index”, professor of business and technology at INSEAD.
Moldova ranked 45 of 142 countries in the Global Innovation Index ranking. Our country gained 40.90 points out of 100 possible. Thus, RM has climbed 5 positions compared to the previous year (50). This position occupied by our country, demonstrates that National Intellectual Property Office (AGEPI) is effective and legislation is harmonized with EU principles and standards.
According to GII, 18 emerging economies, including Moldova, are boosting their innovation capabilities. Moldova ranks first in the group of low-income countries at the chapters: goods, creation of knowledge and education. (third table)
The study shows that in the group of low-income countries, Moldova is the first in three of the four indicators: global innovation index, implementation of innovations and innovation efficiency rate. National Intellectual Property Office (AGEPI) recorded the best performance in terms of trademarks and patents.
This year’s report is optimistic, demonstrating that despite the global economic crisis, the research and innovation field has made remarkable progress. Thus, a better understanding and appreciation of local innovation dynamics can help identify new sources of growth of the national economy, which simultaneously can lead to the creation of new jobs.
In the Global Innovation Index Romania ranked 48, Russia 62 and Ukraine 71.
Graphical viewing of rankings:
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