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Contest “Best Innovative Pupil Genius” has nominated its winners


The most ingenious and creative pupils from the Republic of Moldova gathered today, May 20, at the National Contest “Best Innovative Pupil Genius”, 10th edition. The event took place at the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

The contest laureate award ceremony was attended by the management of the Academy of Sciences, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT), officials from the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, ministries of Education, Youth and Sport, Environment, representatives of the academic and university community, the business environment, professors, students, pupils and parents.

At the inauguration solemnity, AGEPI Director General, Octavian Apostol, congratulated pupils for creativity, ingenuity, because they loved the field of innovations and urged them to let themselves be attracted by the challenge of doing something new and useful to everyone around them. Octavian Apostol mentioned that AGEPI is the institution that emphasizes the stimulation of creativity, innovative spirit of young people and curiosity in discovering innovative solutions.

After the inauguration, the guests of honor and the members of the jury visited the exhibition. After examining and evaluating the works exhibited at the stands, the jury established the winners of the 10th edition of the contest, for the most original and creative works.

Thus, winners of the Grant Prix were nominated Dan Butmalai and Valentin Vozian, ASM Lyceum, for the work “Centralized Drone System”.

The second place came to the following contestants: Eugenia Briciuc and Mihaela Ciornenchi, Theoretical Lyceum “G. Asachi”, town Ungheni, for the work Recycling of Animal and Residual Cellulose-Containing Waste “Biogas Production” and Sandu Petrasco, ASM Lyceum, with the work “Sun Flower Robot”.

The third place was taken by Tudor Lapp and Dimitrie Ginju from the Theoretical Lyceum “Dante Alighieri” from Chisinau, with the work “Purification of Water for Petroleum Products”, Rusu Cristian and Boicu Cristian from the ASM Lyceum, with the work “PiCloud - The first Compression Cloud in the World based on Artificial Intelligence” and Boiarin Ilie from the Vocational School № 6, Chisinau, for the work “Vibration Transducer”.

The prize for the most active district was awarded to the Ungheni district, and the prize for the most active lyceum was obtained by the Theoretical Lyceum “Petre Stefanuca”, from Ialoveni.

The winners of the contest were awarded participation diplomas and monetary prizes from the organizers, including from AGEPI.

Also, in the current edition of the contest, at the initiative of AGEPI, for the first time, was awarded the World Intellectual Property Organization Trophy. Thus, the WIPO Trophy was awarded to Ion Cerempei, from the Theoretical Lyceum “George Calinescu” from Chisinau, for the work “Two-stroke internal combustion engine”. The trophy was also accompanied by a monetary prize awarded by AGEPI worth 3,000 lei.

This year’s edition of the Contest “Best Innovative Pupil Genius” was jubilee and brought together 100 participants, from 36 educational institutions from 14 districts and municipalities.

The contest was conducted and supported by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in partnership with the State Agency on Intellectual Property, the Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer, the Ministry of Education, the University and the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The contest was organized with the purpose of stimulating the creativity and innovative capacities of pupils and of encouraging the creative spirit and ingenuity among younger generation.