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AGEPI editions 2009


Intellectual property library

We propose to the interested parties various publications, periodicals and serials, published by the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI), which offer the readers the most different information about the objects of intellectual property protection and inventive activity in the country and the world.

Annual Report 2008 contains conclusive information on patent activity and registration of IP objects, activity in the legal field, promotion of the intellectual property, automation of the information and technology process IP system, organizational structure and internal management, international cooperation, priority actions for the current year etc.

Two of publications AGEPI – The Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI) and intellectual property journal “INTELLECTUS” - owning ISSN International Indexes. Supplement of the journal “INTELLECTUS” – “AGEPI INFO” reflects activity in the field of IP, legal news, promotional activities of AGEPI, participating Moldovan scientists, researchers and inventors in the national and international exhibitions, reviews the most interesting materials published in the media.

Also, in the Center for Information and Documentation in the field of IP (IP CID) can be found and other new or updated publications: monographs, brochures, research reports, studies, instructive and didactic literature, etc. Have recently been published or republished:

  • “How to patent an invention by the PCT system: [Indications and methodic” / build by Tudor Jovmir, Ala Gusan;
  • “How to protect a plant variety in Moldova: [Indications and methodic” / build by Maria Rojnevschi, Natalia Nadiojchina, Ala Gusan;
  • “Как получить патент на сорт растения в Республике Молдова: [Methodical recommendations” / build by : Maria Rojnevschi, Natalia Nadiojchina, Ala Gusan;
  • “Regulation on the procedure for submission, examination and registration of industrial designs” = “Положение о процедуре подачи, экспертизы и регистрации промышленных рисунков и моделей”;
  • National Seminar “Legal protection of new plant varieties in Moldova” Dedicated Jubilee of 10 years of Moldova's accession to UPOV / State Agency onIntellectual Property, State Commission for Plant Variety Testing (CSTSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova;
  • “Regulation on state registration and accounting of the results of scientific research activity: Annex 5 to the Partnership Agreement between the Government and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova for the years 2009-2012, approved by Government Decision No. 27 of January 22, 2009” / The Official Bulletin of Industrial Property. - Chisinau: AGEPI;
  • “Theoretical and practical issues of intellectual property economy” / Communications at the VII edition of the International Scientific-Practical Conference titled “Innovation in supporting the small and medium enterprises”, November 27-28, 2008, coord. By the Dr. in Science Iurie Badir.

AGEPI sends its publications, including official bulletins and annual reports, to subscribers, and free of charge to some libraries, state bodies, various organizations, enterprises and institutions of higher education in the republic.