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IP Observatory

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The Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter – Observatory) was established on July 29, 2011, under the Order of Director General of AGEPI.

As a basis for its establishment served the recommendations of European experts, from whose assistance benefited the Republic of Moldova and who found that in our country:

  • public authorities involved in the enforcement of intellectual property rights do not sufficiently cooperate with each other;
  • society is insufficiently informed about the importance of intellectual property in the economic development of a country and, as a result, is unwilling to pay attention to issues related to counterfeiting and piracy;
  •  there are few or no official data on infringement of intellectual property rights.

Thus, there has been recommended the creation of an information center, the purpose of which would be the removal of deficiencies identified in the system of enforcement of intellectual property rights in the country.

The duties assigned to the Observatory have been laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, approved on September 5, 2012 (repealed) and specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, approved on June 12, 2013 and amended on June 2, 2014.

Observatory’s activities are focused on four priority areas:

Monitoring enforcement of intellectual property rights, namely:

  • collection, storage, examination, systematization and processing of data;
  • development of researches, studies, reports and statistical analyses;
  • improvement of legal framework.

Promoting enforcement of intellectual property rights:

  • organization of society awareness campaigns;
  • ongoing cooperation with mass media;
  • initiation of trainings for representatives of  law enforcement institutions and for civil society.

Cooperation with public authorities and right holders:

  • permanent exchange of data;
  • stimulating active involvement and interest of right holders in the rights enforcement process;
  • cooperation with similar structures from abroad.

Informing the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement:

  • notification of WTO about the modifications in the national legal framework;
  • providing relevant information and documents to WTO members, economic agents from the Republic of Moldova or WTO Member States;
  • management of the databases on the national legal framework.
  • Nominal composition of the Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Rules of Procedure of the Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Meetings of the Observatory on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Reports on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Moldova