World Intellectual Property Day


On April 26 the states-members of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day.

From this event that started 8 years ago, more and more governments and organizations take part in the activity carried out by WIPO in honour of celebrating the Day of 26 April. The title of this year celebration is: “In respect of the innovations!

“The large public may ask why there are made such efforts in the name of the intellectual property, how the copyright system, patents, trademarks, industrial designs and utility models are connected with the matters of high importance that are, for example, stopping the global warming or other important matters? The answer is the following one: without the intellectual property rights there should not be elaborated the new technologies, provided for resolving the global problems, including those which refer to dissemination all over the world of the great sportive events that us relax and unify. In honour of the World Intellectual Property Day we shall celebrate not only the extraordinary potential of the human creativity but equally the intellectual property rights which provide and mobilize this potential in order to become an impulsive force of the economic, cultural and social development” – it is underlined in the message addressed by the Director General WIPO.

This day was not established by chance – just in April 26, 1970 entered in force the Convention on WIPO institution, signed in 1967. In October 1999 at the XXIV Session of the General Assembly, Jiang Ying, president of the State Office of Intellectual Property of China introduced a motion to all the member states of WIPO to institute at April 26 annually the World Intellectual Property Day. The motion was approved inanimately, being initiated a round of consultations on the contents and activity proposed for the respective day.

The activity concerned with this day, developed by the WIPO and the national IP offices have a common aim in all over the world: encouraging the human creativity, appreciating the human capacity to dream, to concept new utile and original ideas, to imagine the tomorrow, to invent the future and, especially, to strengthen more and more the universal solidarity in the field of creation both in technique and art.

In the Republic of Moldova the World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated for the 8 times in a row by the different actions. Thus, AGEPI prepared an abundant program of manifestations in order to stimulate the specialists in the different fields on the importance of the intellectual property in the economical, social and cultural development of the country.

During the period of February-April, AGEPI contributed to carry out some seminars of familiarization of the specialists and managers of the enterprises and institutions, as well as the didactic skilled persons and students with the national and international system of intellectual property protection at the Cooperative-Commercial University of Chisinau, Technical University of Moldova, exhibitions “Fabricated in Moldova”, “Consum Expo”, Balti, “Micul Business”.

This set of events include also organization of the meetings the pupils of gymnasia and lycées with the remarkable inventors of the republic, namely at the „Mihai Viteazu”, „Socrate” and „Spiru Haret”lycees of Chisinau with the aim to familiarize the pupils of the X-XII forms with the information on the protection of the intellectual property objects in the Republic of Moldova. Basing on the necessity of sustaining and stimulation of the creativity ideas and inventiveness of the pupils, ASM („Inovatorul” Incubator) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Youth and AGEPI started a republican competition “The best pupil innovator” in which took part the pupils of the preuniversity institutions of education of the Republic of Moldova. Awarding the laureates will take place on June 12, 2008. on Day of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Another important aspect of the AGEPI activity consists in sustaining the inventors for the participation in the most prestigious international exhibitions, offering them a possibility to gain a foothold on the extern market. We shall mention participation of thr Moldovan inventors in the current March-April in the following international exhibitions:

  • International Exhibition of the Industrial Property „ARHIMEDE”, Moscow, Russian federation (XI-th edition);
  • XXXVI-th International Exhibition of the Inventions, Technologies and New Products, Geneva, Switzerland;
  • International Exhibition of inventiveness “Pro-Invent” Cluj Napoca, Romania.

In the agenda of the manifestation dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day is also provided the Subregional Symposium “Education and Training in the field of intellectual property”, carried out in the period of current March 26-28 in Chisinau. The Symposium had the aim to promote the best practice of training and education in the field of intellectual property, methods of elaboration of the university curriculum and programs of education for the different levels of education. The participants of the Symposium familiarized with the activity of the International Academy of the WIPO and realized a change of the experience with lectors-practical men of Byelorussia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia and Ukraine.

On April 17-18 started the International Symposium “Lecturi AGEPI” “Actual matters of realization of the rights on intellectual property objects”, the XI edition. In the work of this Symposium took part investigators and practical men, specialists in the field of intellectual property of the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Russian Federation concerning with the legal protection of the intellectual property objects and implementation of the innovations, promotion of the new products, fight against the counterfeit and piracy.

In the program of the manifestations of the World Intellectual Property Day and World Day of the book and Copyright (marked on the UNESCO initiative on Aril 23), there were carried out the round table “Exceptions and limitations of the author’s patrimonial rights” that will take place in the Academy of the Economical Studies of Moldova. The subject-matter of the round table is inspirited by the XVI-th session of the Permanent Commission on the copyright and related rights, organized by WIPO. A group of States Chile, Brasilia, Nicaragua and Uruguay, represented and recommended a methodology with the aim to enlarge the exceptions and limitations in the national systems of rights. The event organized by AGEPI is destined for the right owners, representatives of the institutions of investigation and high education, organizations of administration of the patrimonial rights on the collective principles, libraries etc. In the World Day of the Book and Copyright UNESCO send an address to the world community with the appeal to contribute to the increasing the interest in relation to the reading, to the development of the editorial activity, as well as to the protection of copyright. During the events there were declared the winners of the III-th republican competition “Public library – the partner in the intellectual property protection”, organized by AGEPI in cooperation with the libraries of Moldova.

The peak of the celebration will be a grand meeting dedicated to the World Intellectual Property Day that will take place on April 24 in 14.00 in the conference hall of AGEPI. In the frame of the manifestations the most active representatives in industrial property of this year will be awarded with the diploma of AGEPI. There will be also announced the winners of IV-th Republican Competition “Invention of the year” (nominations: “Invention-2007”, “Utility model-2007”, “Invention -2007 created by the young inventor”. At the meeting there will be presented to distinctions obtained by the inventors of the Republic of Moldova at the International Exhibition in Geneva, at the International exhibition “ARHIMEDE”, Moscow and International Salon “Pro-invent”, Cluj Napoca.

Among the manifestations of the program is also announce of the totals of the VI-th Competition of Journalists reflecting the subject matters of the intellectual property, including the aspects of creation, legal protection and utilization of the industrial and intellectual property objects.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a special institution of UNO, created in 1967 with the aim to encourage the creative activity and promotion of the intellectual property anywhere in the world. WIPO has 187 member-states, administrates 23 international treaties having headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland. The Republic of Moldova is a Member of the Convention on the institution of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) from 1991.