In Kishinev will take place the 3-rd International Forum of the Small and Middle Enterprises


In the period of May 5-7, 2009 in Kishinev will take place the 3-rd International Forum of the Small and Middle Enterprises with the title “Raising of the competitiveness of the small and middle enterprises is economy increasing vector”. The Forum will take place in precincts of the International Exhibition Centre “Moldexpo” S.A under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the organizers being the ministry of Economy and Commerce, Ministry of Public Administration, “Moldexpo”, Chamber of Commerce and Industry etc.

In the work of the Forum will take part nearly 250 economic agents of the small and middle enterprises sector of the Republic of Moldova and foreign countries joining in order to acquaint with the achievements of the most performing enterprises, promoting their proper enterprises at the autochthonous and international market, realizing a change of information, required for the elaboration of projects.

In the frame of the Forum there will take place manifestations:

  • The exhibition of the small and middle enterprises;
  • The International Conference of the Small and Middle Enterprises;
  • The competition “The best entrepreneur from the sector of the small and middle enterprises”.

The most representative exhibits in the frame of the exhibition make part of the following categories: food products and beverages, articles of handicraft and souvenirs made by the popular masters, furniture and materials of construction, informational, banc and credit services, products of the household chemistry and office products etc.

The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) will take part in the III-rd Forum SME with an informational stand, in the frame of which it will disseminate the useful information and will grant consultations to the economical agents in the field of intellectual property protection in the country and abroad.

Moreover, in the frame of the Forum AGEPI will organize at May 5, 2009 a round table “Intellectual property in the support of the small and middle enterprises”. The specialists of AGEPI will acquaint the economical agents. Participants of the Forum with a new service launched by AGEPI – prediagnosis of the intellectual property, an European concept in the support of the small and middle enterprises. The IP prediagnosis is realised with the scope of estimating the innovation potential of the enterprises and the grade of utilization thereof, as well as for determination of some adequate modalities of intellectual product protection, diminution of the products counterfeit risk and reducing the costs of the production.

Details will be accessible on: http://www.mec.gov.md.