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Training Seminar for Judges, Prosecutors and Mediators


On 20 March this year, State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) in partnership with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) organized a training seminar on “Practical Aspects on Intellectual Property Law Enforcement”. The seminar aimed to familiarize judges, prosecutors and mediators with the practical aspects of intellectual property law enforcement and creation of a platform for communication between legal regulatory institutions.

In opening, AGEPI Director General, Lilia Bolocan welcomed the audience mentioning the importance of the seminar theme for their activity. Thus, Ms. Lilia Bolocan made a short presentation of the field of activity of AGEPI, the long-term goals and important achievements. Also, she said that in terms of global development, intellectual property gains increasing value, leading to the tendency of frequent IPR infringement, subsequently raising appeals in court.

As a goal for the near future, Ms. Lilia Bolocan specified the cooperation with the Supreme Court of Justice to create the Generalizations of practice in order to take over the best experiences in the legal field.

In turn, Executive Director of NIJ, Mrs. Diana Scobioala emphasized that this seminar is included in the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the EU and noted the availability of the National Institute of Justice in organizing such events. She recognized that intellectual property is a “sensitive” area for those in the field of justice and as a continuous round of communication with experts in the IP field is beneficial for judges and prosecutors’ activity.

Subsequently, according to the working agenda of the seminar, Deputy Director of the AGEPI, Ion Tiganas made a general presentation about intellectual property, its role, essence, components and principles, it have been described and exemplified the intellectual property objects, together with the legislation related to their protection. In the seminar were presented communications related to legal Regulation of the exclusive right in trademarks and legal Regulation of copyright and related rights.

The presentations were followed by three case studies simulating a lawsuit in court with the following topics: “Disputes concerning the nullity of registration of trademarks”, “Disputes concerning the forfeiture of rights in trademarks by non-effective use” and “Violation of ownership right in the work”. Following discussions, the present persons tried to find solutions and to declare a sentence in accordance with the law in force.

The seminar was attended by around 60 persons from courts of Chisinau and districts of the Republic of Moldova (Rascani, Sangerei, Orhei, Ungheni), Chisinau Court of Appeal and Balti Court of Appeal, General Prosecutor’s Office and district public prosecutor’s offices (Chisinau, Ocnita, Ialoveni, Briceni, Telenesti, Hincesti, Falesti), as well as mediators, specialists of AGEPI and NIJ.

The participants in the seminar received Certificates of training in intellectual property.