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Republic of Moldova hosts the 30th session of the UPOV Technical Working Group on Automation and Computer Programs


On 25-29 June 2012, in Chisinau, carries out its works the 30th session of the Technical Group on Automation and Computer Programs of the International Uni on for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), organized by the State Commission for Variety Testing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova and the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) in collaboration with the UPOV Office.

The session takes place in the White Conference Hall of the Hotel Codru, 127, 31 August 1989 str.

The UPOV Technical Working Group brings together about 35 experts in the legal protection of plant varieties by sui generis system, statisticians and biometrists from 19 Member States of UPOV, including: Great Britain, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Germany, France , Italy, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, China, Korea, Kenya, Brazil, Japan and Republic of Moldova and of some regional and international organizations in the same field - Community Plant Variety Office, headquartered in Angers, France, and UPOV Office, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

At this session, Moldova is represented by breeders and specialists in the legal protection of new plant varieties, statistics and informatics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, State Commission for Variety Testing, AGEPI, Institute of Phytotechny “Porumbeni”, Research Institute of Field Crops “Selectia”, Balti, Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology, Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the ASM, ASM Botanical Garden.

The Session Program provides for the organization on June 25 this year, starting at 14.00, of a preliminary meeting of the UPOV Technical Working Group session, in which foreign experts and breeders of the country will take notice of the general provisions of the sui generis system of legal protection of new plant varieties, UPOV recommendations / guidelines on testing new varieties of plants for distinctness, uniformity and stability; sel ection, examination and description of characteristics of the new plant variety; methods of observation; use of molecular techniques in testing new varieties for distinctness; UPOV databases; UPOV website, etc.

Details of the documents discussed at the preliminary meeting can be accessed at: http://www.upov.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=25648

Opening of works of the 30th session of the UPOV Technical Working Group will take place on 26 June, starting at 09.00.

Participants in the session will be familiarized with the developments registered in the deployment of plant variety protection systems in the Member States of UPOV, presented by experts from the Member States and observers; the changes that have occurred in the UPOV; will examine the documents prepared by the Office of UPOV on molecular techniques to examine the material of new plant varieties; UPOV databases on registered plant variety names; description of plant varieties protected by sui generis system; electronic systems for submission of applications; variety denomination; image analysis; data providers; statistical data analysis; databases for search of Technical Working Group documents; transmission via web of UPOV sessions, etc.

Agenda and working documents of the 30th session of the UPOV Technical Working Group can be accessed at: http://www.upov.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=25643.

We present images from the opening of the 30th session of the UPOV Technical Working Group