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AGEPI at the 19th International Book Fair


On 31 August, during the national Holidays Independence Day and Our Romanian Language, the International Book Fair has opened its works in Chisinau, being this year at the 19th edition.

AGEPI participates several years running in this prestigious book fair organized at the National Library, presenting every time stands with the most important published periodicals, including works from the series "Library of Intellectual Property". Traditionally, the Agency Stand enjoys the much attention from visitors, especially our production is sought by people interested in the way of obtaining legal protection for intellectual property objects, copyright holders, but also diligent youth who wants to learn more about this area of resonance in the new economic conditions.

In previous editions of the International Book Fair, the Journal "Intellectus", edited by AGEPI since 1995, and the encyclopedia "Researchers and Inventors of the Republic of Moldova", edited by AGEPI in four volumes, were awarded special diplomas of the Fair Jury for the consistent promotion of the national science, inventiveness and creativity.

In the current edition of the Fair, dedicated to the Mihai Eminescu Year, are exposed the books of about 300 publishers from 14 countries. Together with the absolute majority of Moldovan publishing houses important publishers from Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Macedonia, Turkey, a number of new publishers from Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Hungary participate in the Fair.

The official inauguration ceremony was attended by Mihai Ghimpu, Interim President of the Republic of Moldova, Boris Focsa, Minister of Culture, Ion Negrei, Deputy Prime Minister, Acad. Mihai Cimpoi, President of the Union of Writers, Alexe Rau, Director of the National Library and other officials.

The program of the Fair, besides the actual book exhibition, includes launches of periodicals and books of writers from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, event exhibitions, creative workshops, etc. At the stand of publishers is organized a book sale.

AGEPI comes to this fair with a major publishing project, dedicated to intellectual property law - a series of Compendia of normative acts consisting of four volumes, focusing on the following objects of industrial property: industrial designs, plant varieties, patents, trademarks. Each collection shows the national, European and international legal framework ensuring the protection and enforcement of exclusive rights in intellectual property objects. On the Fair opening day, on the AGEPI Publishing stand was presented the Compendium of normative acts, the visitors being also informed on the editorial works on paper and electronic carrier made available to the public by the Agency.

The International Book Fair is waiting for its visitors until September 3, the Gala of winners of the nineteenth edition of this prestigious event being also supposed to take place.