Библиографические информационные службы

The national collection of documents in the field of intellectual property includes: databases (DB) with inventions on electronic support from different countries and international organizations; patents for invention, short-term patents for invention, new varieties of plants, trademarks, industrial designs of the Republic of Moldova; books and serial publications in the field of IP, etc.

The Collection is annually supplemented with new documents in different fields, which are reflected in the electronic Catalog and in specialized DBs.

Beneficiaries of the bibliographic information services in the field of IP are the experts and other employees of AGEPI, as well as all interested persons outside the institution: researchers, inventors and rationalizers, teaching staff, students, etc.

They benefit from:

  • access to the national Collection of patents, patent applications, trademarks, utility models, new varieties of plants;
  • informational assistance in support of their creativity;
  • the possibility of using the electronic Catalog of the book collection (DB BOOKS) and that of the articles from the periodical editions in the field of intellectual property (DB ART-IP), as well as access to the electronic databases of AGEPI and offices abroad;
  • methodological assistance in information retrieval in electronic DBs;
  • information and bibliographic servicing;
  • the opportunity to participate in information promotion activities in the field of IP carried out at local and republican level


The national Collection of documents in the field of intellectual property owned by AGEPI consists of the following types of documents:

  • Patents for invention protected in the Republic of Moldova (See DB Inventions);
  • Databases on electronic support in the field of intellectual property;
  • Books in the field of intellectual property, legislative documents, normative acts, international treaties and agreements, dictionaries and encyclopedias in different branches of the economy, official and methodical publications of AGEPI, periodicals;
  • Since 2011, the “WIPO Depositary Library” was established within AGEPI, with the aim of creating a specialized book fund in the field of IP.

List of specialized journals:

  • BOPI
  • Intellectus
  • Revista română de Proprietate Industriala (CD-ROM)
  • Revista română de dreptul proprietăţii intelectuale
  • Contabilitate și audit
  • Dreptul muncii
  • Интеллектуальная собственность: авторское право
  • Интеллектуальная собственность: промышленная собственность
  • Изобретатель и рационализатор
  • Изобретательство
  • Патентное дело
  • Патентная информация сегодня
  • Патентный поверенный
  • Патенты и лицензии
  • Наука и жизнь
  • WIPO Magazine
  • Magazine de OMPI