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Press Releases
Full list of Press-Releases ordered chronologically.
30/09/2008 | Events
The 36-th Session of the General Assembly of WIPO: development of the rights on intellectual property the top-priority
On current September 22-30 in Geneva, Switzerland it will take place a 36-th Session of the General Assembly of the member-states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the representatives of which will discuss the last documents elaborated by WIPO on the large scale of subjects... Read more
26/09/2008 | Events
Attention of all interested persons, applicants and owners of the trademarks
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) informs the interested persons about the publication of the following list (No. 99) of the unregistrable international denominations proposed for the pharmaceutical products on the official page of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the... Read more
22/09/2008 | Events
The quarterly meeting of the representatives in industrial property
AGEPI invites representatives in industrial property to take part in the quarterly meeting organized with the aim to inform about the new stipulations in the national legislation and discuss the urgent matters. The meeting will take place on October 07, 2008 , at 14.00 in the conference hall AGEPI... Read more
16/09/2008 | Events
Extending the relations of cooperation with the Office for Harmonization in the Intern Market (OHIM)
In order to extent the cooperation with the European institutions in the field of intellectual property protection, Mr. Dorian Chirosca, Director general of AGEPI, visited on the current September 4-5 European Union Office for Harmonization in the Intern Market (OHIM) (Trademarks and Design)... Read more