- What are GI, AO, TSG?
Geographical indication (GI) means the name of a region or a locality, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, a country, used to describe a product originating in that region or locality, specific place or country, which possesses a specific quality, reputation or other characteristics attributable to that geographical origin, and the production and/or processing and/or preparation of which take place in the defined geographical area.
Appellation of origin (AO) means the geographical name of a region or locality, a specific place or, in exceptional cases, a country, used to designate a product originating in that region, locality, specific place or country, and the quality or characteristics of which are essentially or exclusively due to the particular geographical environment comprising inherent natural and human factors thereof, and the production, processing and preparation of which take place in the defined geographical area.
Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSG) means a traditional agricultural product or foodstuff recognized for its specific character through its registration under the Law No. 66-XVI of March 27, 2008 on the protection of geographical indications, appellations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed (‘specific character’ means a characteristic or a set of characteristics which clearly distinguishes an agricultural product or a foodstuff from other similar products or foodstuffs of the same category; ‘traditional product’ means a product used on the market for a time period showing transmission between generations, a proven fact; this time period should be the one generally ascribed to one human generation, for at least 25 years).
- What products may be registered as GI, AO, TSG?
As a geographical indication, appellation of origin may be registered the geographical name of a region or locality, a specific place (ex. CODRU, Stefan Voda), used to designate a product originating in that region, locality, specific place. The geographical indication, the appellation of origin may be registered both for agricultural products and foodstuffs (nuts, cheeses, plums, berries, etc.), handicraft products(carpets, embroidery, pottery, wooden items,basketry etc .) and mineral raw materials (stone, sand, clay, bentonite, etc.).
As traditional specialty guaranteed may be registered only an agricultural product or foodstuff which is produced from traditional raw materials or which is characterized by a mode of production and/or processing reflecting a traditional type of production and/or processing.
- The benefits of protection in promoting the diversification of products
- obtaining an overprofit in exchange of quality guarantee;
- Expansion of sales markets;
- Promoting the countryside;
- Exploiting the origin of the product;
- Preserving local traditions;
- Building up the national identity;
- Collaboration of local producers;
- Equitable distribution of income throughout the supply chain;
- Development of related economic sectors.
- Who may apply for the registration of a GI, AO, TSG?
GI, AO Any association of producers or processors irrespective of its legal form or composition, the members of which produce or process products originating in the defined geographical area.
TSG Any association of producers or processors, irrespective of its legal form or composition, the members of which produce or process products that constitute theTSG.
- What is important to know before applying for registration?
The fundamental role of the geographical indications/appellations of origin is to guarantee certain qualities or characteristics of the products they designate.
The fundamental role of the traditional specialties guaranteed is to highlight and guarantee specific characteristics by which an agricultural product or foodstuff is distinguished from other products in the same category.
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